Sodalite Top Exporters in India
A light, relatively hard yet fragile mineral, sodalite is named after its sodium content; in mineralogy it may be classed as a feldspathoid. Well known for its blue color, sodalite may also be gray, yellow, green, or pink and is often mottled with white veins or patches. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-trust. Sodalite balances the metabolism, boosts the immune system, and overcomes calcium deficiencies. It combats radiation damage by soaking up electromagnetic smog. Ideal to be placed in the room where you spend the most time in, therefore this is the area where you can gain the most energy. Sodalite’s ability to reduce insomnia can come in handy here too. Keep a Sodalite crystal on your bedside table or under your pillow, and you can expect some of the best sleep you’ve ever had.
India has the best suppliers, manufacturers, exporters, and traders of Sodalite Stone. Vihaan Stone exports the stone in various forms as per customer requirement. Sodalite brings order and calmness to the mind. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuition, along withverbalizationn of feelings. Sodalite brings emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust.
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