
Labradorite is a grey to greyish-black stone that displays a remarkable optical phenomenon unique to it called Labradorescence. Color flashes of peacock blue, violet, green, orange and yellow-gold appear on the stone when light reflects from its surface which resembles the iridescent pattern on a butterfly’s wing.


Labradorite Global Manufacturers

As a highly spiritual and mystical stone, Labradorite is laced with metaphysical properties. It is connected to the throat chakra and the third eye chakra. The throat chakra is our tool of communication and how we share our inner world with the outside world. Labradorite is a Feldspar mineral, which is the most abundant group of minerals that can be found in the earth’s crust. Labradorite is also known by the name Spectrolite, or Rainbow Moonstone when the labradorite is in the white matrix. Labradorite is a member of the Feldspar family and is treasured for its remarkable play of color, known as labradorescence. While they may look similar, labradorite stones and moonstones are not the same. They are, however, referred to as ‘sister stones’. They are both members of the feldspar mineral family, but labradorite is classified as plagioclase feldspar, while moonstone is an orthoclase feldspar.
Fake labradorite can be identified by a hardness test. It is softer than the real one and can be scratched by a copper and steel needle. Fake labradorite glows in light-blue color under UV light. The backside of fake labradorite is usually a dense and opaque material of black color.
The luxury furniture made from this particular stone gives a beautiful look to the interior and establishes its qualities to the area.


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